Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Celebrating our femininity

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this picture tells a story of women who are ''living life to the fullest' , women whose stamina and will-power is undeniable, relentless…..worthy of a gold medal.

Just a few days after Caster Semenya’s gender saga was splashed all over the media, while her humiliation was just a joke to some, and heartbreak to her family, friends, community and her supporters.....We proved that women can, and yes we can!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i am beautiful...i am a woman

I am beautiful because I put my best foot forward in good and bad time, I ride through storms swiftly in my stilettos, my power lie(s) in my smile……it says I am confident , I am optimistic and I’m ready to take over the world. I am beautiful cause I am ME…. And ohh yes I am proudly Woman...

Happy woman's day to all my a beautiful friends..

Friday, August 7, 2009

For some women....there isn't much to celebrate

As we celebrate, let us not forget those who are less empowered than we are….let it be our mission to emancipate every Woman!! Let’s dream big, let’s aspire to become the best we can be, believe in yourself and know that you are worthy in the eyes of the Lord!! Stay blessed!!

Tears f a woman!!

I woke up this morning….face bruised...cuts all over
I didn’t feel like facing the world, or is it the world that doesn’t want to see me?
Maybe I should have listened to you and quit my job already

It hurt so badly when I took the shower..
warm water crept into my cuts and bruises
I wished I could wash away my pain, quilt and shame too
Maybe you where right, I am as useless as I am worthless

I had to wear more makeup, to cover all the cuts and bruises
I struggled to find an outfit that could hide....all these cuts and bruises all over
Maybe one day you will change and I won’t have to hide anything, anymore

I made breakfast for you this morning and you forgot to eat, again
I know I’m not good company, but I’ll try harder tomorrow
Or maybe you just couldn’t stay and stare at my cut and bruised smile

I couldn’t look you in the eyes when you leaned to kiss my cuts and bruises
I know you love me, you told me so last night
when you helped me put some pressure on my bruised arm
Maybe I should listen to you more, and stop seeing my ‘silly’ friends

Our son asked me if I fell in the shower again
He tells me he heard the neighbours fighting last night
But I think he knows, cause our neighbours are on vacation
Maybe I should tell him the truth
That it was you who bruised me like this

It is women’s day on Sunday…..
But I won’t dare disrespect you and attend women celebrations
Women empowerment is for women who have forgotten their roots
Who wants to hear that women have right anyway?
Unless I want more cuts and bruises all over!!
I am your woman...and that is the end of it,
That’s all I can ever be

By ladyjam productions