Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


This is written in GREAT HONOUR of Caster Mokgadi Semenya, a young woman whose life was turned upside down by deceit, disgrace and ignorance by her fellow citizens, the IFAA and the media.

She ran...with her heart and soul
to fulfill her dreams and those of many Africans
She didn't know that the finish line marked the end of life as she knew it, as she had imagined it
She became a hero to some, an outcast to those who do not believe in the supremacy of her gift

She hears whispers, lies and things that breaks her heart
while others can't wait for the gold to be snatched from her grasp....
others are eager to make a quick buck out of shine

she watches.....hopelessly, as everybody tries to fit her into their stereotypical boxes
She is 'that girl' with a deep voice and heavy muscles
She is 'that girl' who looks like a man
She is 'that girl' with no womb
She is a hero to some, an outcast to those who do not believe that she is woman enough
She is a Hero.....a s-hero to me!!

~Ladyjam Productions

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If I can write, then I can say that I am truly living. I have big dreams for the words that I scribble, I believe that they have a potential to motivate, heal, inspire, humour and change the world, I know that’s a little ambitious , but what is a dream without ambition?

A small piece of writting
in my worn out creative dumping
It might not be that exciting...
but it is inviting,thought provoking and enlightening

So small, my piece of writting
in my own shaky handwriting
Hardly anything enchanting....
but it is loaded,spirited and life changing

It is a small piece of writting, today.....
It is an Oscar winning piece of writting, tomorrow....

~ladyjam productions

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To my dear friends

I don’t know much about this world
I too am on journey to discover it too
To make sense of it all

Wish I knew how to stop your heart from breaking
But what I know, is to cry with you
And help you piece it back together

I don’t know how to heal hearts
But right now I wish I knew, just for you
Cause your pain is mine too

I can only imagine how deep the pain cuts
I know thou, that it can’t be deeper that God’s love
For there is nothing bigger than Him

I have no idea how tomorrow will be
What I know, is that I will be there
To face it with you

It might take us longer, but
I am content, knowing each step will bring us closer to a happier you

Sometimes I might not know how best to be there for you
But I want you to know You can get me on the phone anytime, and I will pray with you

With all my love - Ladyjam

Thursday, September 3, 2009

In my thoughts

This is one of many my private thought scribblings, I have decided to share this one with you because it played a significant role in my 'moving on' it was some form of release i guess.

When i wrote this I was heavy with emotions, I was tired of the emotions, I can say I was at the acceptance stage, ready to close that door that I’ve been keeping ajar for months.

I realised I was stuck in the past, and i was worrying about the future, I was torn between this two places to the point that 'the present' did not have any value. I was missing out on life.

This piece helped me get through some stuff I’ve been holding onto and it helped me to LET GO!!

In my thoughts

Stuck in my thoughts are the many private and priceless moments we spend together
The melodies of our favorite tunes

In my thoughts are our dreams of chasing the rainbow together
Hopes of a bigger and brighter tomorrow

Stuck in my thoughts are words unsaid.... a destiny unfulfilled...a journey cut short
stuck and never to be pursured

stuck in my thoughts are the images of man who never believed in my undying love for him

ladyjam productions

Note; the ideas expressed in this piece are purely my thoughts, with no reflection on anyone else