Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

40 Days to go!!

Only 40 days to go before the 2009 National elections, with no doubt this is going to be a historic event. I think people should go out on this day and vote for whom ever they feel is the best leader in this trying financial times, i think we have past the point where we vote for people out of Loyalty, I for one believe we have come to pass the 'he was at Robin Island fighting for our freedom' kind of Voting, but hey...I’m not a political Analyst.

For the he first time in the history of South Africa we see political parties on TV commercials, weekly Election debate (the ultimate fight Zone) and political party posters with different pictures (some parties have black faces on posters in townships and villages and white pictures in the City...what a joke).

I am not voting these coming elections, I’ve registered, but right now I personally do not see the point. I will however be at the voting stations....selling lollipops and ice cubes, (I need the money...we are in a recession after all,!!).

I believe this year's Elections are just a fight (literally) for power and with no intentions of service, and again that’s my thought, you know what…. I would really love to hear Madiba's thoughts on these elections.

The next 40 Days will sure be even more interesting, with lotsa drama, empty promises and fighting , we are bound to hear more about Elections and what Malema has been up to, I just hope we do not loose the focus on the upcoming 2010 World cup and the current financial crisis. Let’s remember there is still life after the power battle, We need to think beyond the 22nd of April 2009.

To all the voters; all the best…make your best choice!!!

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