Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To my dear friends

I don’t know much about this world
I too am on journey to discover it too
To make sense of it all

Wish I knew how to stop your heart from breaking
But what I know, is to cry with you
And help you piece it back together

I don’t know how to heal hearts
But right now I wish I knew, just for you
Cause your pain is mine too

I can only imagine how deep the pain cuts
I know thou, that it can’t be deeper that God’s love
For there is nothing bigger than Him

I have no idea how tomorrow will be
What I know, is that I will be there
To face it with you

It might take us longer, but
I am content, knowing each step will bring us closer to a happier you

Sometimes I might not know how best to be there for you
But I want you to know You can get me on the phone anytime, and I will pray with you

With all my love - Ladyjam


Lu said...

Thanks a lot love...this means a lot to blessed to have a friend in you...

Ramasela said...

Ohh Lutu....*blush*, i'm blessed to have you 2 baby!!