Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Shack

We have established a book club at work, and I am the chairperson...for obvious reasons (smiley).The first book I read is The Shack by William P. Young, I heard about this book early in the year and I had been looking forward to reading it, and it turned out the most meaningful book of 2009.

I've always wanted to have a frank conversation with God, not in a prayer, but a 'lets have chat kinda of thingy’. I have to admit, I don't know a whole lot about God, and I don't know much about the Bible either, I can't quote many scriptures from the top of my head, all I know is that God loves me, and that I know for sure.

In the book The Shack, Mackenzie looses his youngest daughter to a serial killer, he blames himself for what happened, he thinks God does not care about him or his family, he then goes into depression. Mackenzi gets an invite to the shack where his daughter was murdered, the invite is from God.

Mackenzie has a conversation with God (The father), Jesus (the son)and Serayu(the Holy Spirit), he spends a weekend with them, in a shack of all places. He learns that THEY are all ONE, that we are all ONE. Through his journey I got my chance to have a conversation with God, a lot Mackenzie's questions where my questions (maybe yours too) and that made the whole experience even more ''real''.

So,there I was, sitting in the comfort of my bed, and I 'asked' God all the questions that have had me confused for as long as I can remember. Questions about pain and suffering, possession, love, expectations, healing, religion, dreams, destiny/calling, faith, judgement and submission.

The book did not answer all my questions, instead it taught me that the world is not only about answers, that I am not here to understand why I am here, but I am here to fulfil a purpose, and I don’t have to ask why , I just have to ask HOW?

I also learned from this book is that I do not have to prove myself to anyone, because just being here (on earth) makes me worthy enough and God loves me as I am.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My lil gang-Star

The cool, swaggering 13 month old toddler in this picture, is my adorable, tiny 1 month old baby, this time; last year. I still can’t believe it!!! I still can’t get my head around how everything happened so quickly. I am not surprised thou , most of God’s works are still a mystery to me, and I’m afraid will remain mysterious or should I rather say miraculous until I graduate from my human form.

The fact that this life came through me and the fact that I have been entrusted with this huge responsibility of caring and loving and teaching this child.....leaves me awestricken, I believe that i am trully blessed and I know for sure that I have been divinely anointed!! Amen