Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My lil gang-Star

The cool, swaggering 13 month old toddler in this picture, is my adorable, tiny 1 month old baby, this time; last year. I still can’t believe it!!! I still can’t get my head around how everything happened so quickly. I am not surprised thou , most of God’s works are still a mystery to me, and I’m afraid will remain mysterious or should I rather say miraculous until I graduate from my human form.

The fact that this life came through me and the fact that I have been entrusted with this huge responsibility of caring and loving and teaching this child.....leaves me awestricken, I believe that i am trully blessed and I know for sure that I have been divinely anointed!! Amen

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