Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Veronika Decides to Die

Late last year I read the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, I enjoyed it soo much that I pledged to read a few more books by this author, because he is just brilliant.

I just finished reading Veronika decides to die and I think this book should have been titled Veronika decides to LIVE, because for me it is powerful story of a young woman who besides having made lots of mistakes in her life, decided to take life by its horns….

The books starts off with Veronika plotting suicide because she is bored with her life, at first I thought she must be the most stupid and selfish person on earth…..who kills themselves because of mere boredom? Veronika is 24, has both her parents, she has friends, she has a boyfriend, she has a job, she is beautiful, she is healthy and she is sane (I think) but she has what the book describes as ‘an emptiness inside’. What could possibly cause such an emptiness?……is it self-esteem issues?is it disappointment?is it pain? is it confusion?is it not knowing God? or maybe not knowing oneself? I honestly don’t know....but I wish I never experience ‘an emptiness inside’ cause it just sounds too dangerous!!

Veronika’s suicide attempt fails, she ends up in a mental hospital with a ‘serious’ heart condition, she is then told she has only a week to live. At first she is disappointed that she didn’t die, she can’t wait for death to fall upon her, she even tries to find another way of killing herself…. at this point I’m thinking, what a looser… could she be soo deficient, most people who have only a few days to live would, hold on to every breath, they would ‘fight’ to see the next day, what’s wrong with this gal? I asked myself.

At the mental hospital she meets people who help her accept her own ‘madness’, and she realises that living is a choice. She falls in love with a schizophrenic, she starts playing the piano; after she stopped when her mother told her that no one will marry a woman who plays a piano for a living. With every sunrise Veronika finds more joy and meaning for her life, she let go of her fear to live!! She decides to LIVE!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Once upon a time, i promised a dear friend of mine that one day i would come visit her in Durban......and since i always....i mean...almost-always keep my promises, i took a bus to Durban on the 25th of March. I had the best of fun.....lots and lots, i could do it again in heart beat

*** Ready for the road***

***This is the 1st palce she took me to when i got to Durbs, Ohh what a view***

***and off we went, these shoes are me***

***and then i got the hang of it - i'm refering to standing in the ***

***now this is PRICELESS***

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pre and Post JUJU

I try soo hard to stay way from politics, i really do, BUT i fail to remain silent when I see a disaster looming. I don't think we are about to go into war.. please don't get me wrong, i am not saying South Africa is about to start falling part either. What concerns me is when I see people dragging history out of its deep slumber and then call it heritage, maybe our leaders needs to be enlightened on the differences on this two words, nonetheless at the threat of being called a coward and labelled counter-revolutionary (mind you the apartheid revolution ended ages ago) I write the following :

Pre and Post JUJU

Pre-JuJu the ANC was a reputable organisation, its leadership was luminous, SA’s future looked brighter…but now I see smoke, I smell petrol bombs, I hear kids crying….tears falling off faces of our struggle heroes….

Pre-JuJu our freedom was to last for a lifetime, words like ‘kaffir’& ‘Boer’ where part our history not our heritage, I was assured that my generation would live in a democratic and dignified society

Pre-JuJu swearing on national television was not heroic; the word kill was not used metaphorically or otherwise when addressing the masses and the 1976 massacre was not scheduled for a live replay

Pre-JuJu the freedom charter’s prologue served as foundation for a united South Africa, but he trampled on it, and with JZ’s machine gun he shot at any form of optimism for a better South Africa

POST-JuJu I hope that South Africans will be more tolerant of each other’s differences, that leaders will not scream ‘conspiracy’ and ‘respect for privacy’ when questions are asked but instead have the audacity to own up to own their shortcomings and most of all I really hope that our democracy, economy and sanity survives the Malema Era.

Ramasela waga Mashao