Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Pre and Post JUJU

I try soo hard to stay way from politics, i really do, BUT i fail to remain silent when I see a disaster looming. I don't think we are about to go into war.. please don't get me wrong, i am not saying South Africa is about to start falling part either. What concerns me is when I see people dragging history out of its deep slumber and then call it heritage, maybe our leaders needs to be enlightened on the differences on this two words, nonetheless at the threat of being called a coward and labelled counter-revolutionary (mind you the apartheid revolution ended ages ago) I write the following :

Pre and Post JUJU

Pre-JuJu the ANC was a reputable organisation, its leadership was luminous, SA’s future looked brighter…but now I see smoke, I smell petrol bombs, I hear kids crying….tears falling off faces of our struggle heroes….

Pre-JuJu our freedom was to last for a lifetime, words like ‘kaffir’& ‘Boer’ where part our history not our heritage, I was assured that my generation would live in a democratic and dignified society

Pre-JuJu swearing on national television was not heroic; the word kill was not used metaphorically or otherwise when addressing the masses and the 1976 massacre was not scheduled for a live replay

Pre-JuJu the freedom charter’s prologue served as foundation for a united South Africa, but he trampled on it, and with JZ’s machine gun he shot at any form of optimism for a better South Africa

POST-JuJu I hope that South Africans will be more tolerant of each other’s differences, that leaders will not scream ‘conspiracy’ and ‘respect for privacy’ when questions are asked but instead have the audacity to own up to own their shortcomings and most of all I really hope that our democracy, economy and sanity survives the Malema Era.

Ramasela waga Mashao

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