Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

VEGE...... WHAT?

That’s me and meat.......quite a bond we HAD
I believe that you can either accept your life as it is, or you can pursue a better life, the life that God has planned for US (Jeremiah 29:11), and that cannot happen unless you are prepared to CHANGE. order for me to break the mould, forget about the norm and chase after this 'better life' I have planned a few crazy stunts for 2010….. And yep I will share my experiences with you all. It is all in the name of fun and paradigm shifting…let's call it extraordinary FUN!!!

Stunt # 1 – Go vegetarian (don’t be soo shocked, it is possible...i think)

I’ve always wanted to go vegetarian for health and spiritual reasons, I have just never got the guts to do it….i have decided that I’m gonna try it for a week, then a month, then….we will have to see how long I can resist Mac D’s chicken foldover and Nando’s and BBQ chicken flavoured pizza.

I could go on and on about how meat is bad for us, and the cruelty with which this animal are treated and then killed just so WE could have a nice feast, and how long it takes for meat to be digested in our system and what that does to our immune system, and I could tell you about the body scent that meat gives us.....and why we should all go vegetarian and even as far as go completely Vegan...BUT I’m not on a mission to convert anyone to vegetarianism, I am not even sure that I can pull it off.

let's just hope that I don't get invited to braais or parties until I am strong enough to say NO to meat!! Wish me luck...I need it :)

1 comment:

Lu said...

Hah! Vegetarian Ladyjam! I cant bliv it!!! What a goal...u challenging me u know!?!