Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

what inspires me

I am a woman with loads of dreams

some big and some small

and each day I strive towards my desired destiny

I want to set foot in every countryin the world

and take pictures of everything and everyone…

I am a woman who embraces her challenges

and sits for coffee with her weaknesses

and talk light into them.

I am a woman who has had to let go of so much

and still finds her cup half full

I am a woman who smiles,

because the opposite is just too ugly…

I dream of writing about my triumphs my joy, my challenges

and my journeys around the world.

Did I mention…..

that I am happiest when I am with my pen and paper;

I am inspired most when I am writing…..

when I am pouring my heart and soul into words.

I AM a published author in the making!!

ladyjam Productions


Lu said...

...pen and paper; eternal companion!
I like!

Ramasela said...

Me, pen and paper , together --- one day i want to walk into excusive books and see my book on the TOP seller shelf - *dreams*