Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog Under construction.........

please come again later ..Ladyjam :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Soweto......not good enough

I just heard that the rugby parade will not go past Soweto as planned, and I cannot help but wonder why.... I have not yet heard the reason for this decision, so I will go with my opinion on the matter.

It is not a secret The South African Rugby is not "united”, and by that I mean the not all SA demographics are well represented in the active team and I doubt if they will ever be (looking at the development rate of Rugby in places like Soweto)

If my memory serves me well, last week all South African where urged to support the Team, we all wore green and had braais around the country and on Saturday we watched the game in support of the Boks.

Come celebration time the very same supporters , who did not sleep on Saturday , who rushed to stores to buy the rugby jerseys and flags , who cheered when the team won the cup are excluded from the celebration or is it just Sowetans who are shunned??

Correct me if I am wrong …but when the Rugby team returned home the airport was packed with Sponsors and Supporters, green and yellow. My belief is that the celebration parade should serve as a "thank you" gesture to all Sponsors and Supporters, green and yellow.

I know what I am saying is not "politically correct" but my opinion is echoed by The Transformation and Anti-Racism Rugby Committee (TARC) as they said “the South African Rugby Union's decision to exclude Soweto from its victory parade is a monumental blunder."

I could not have said it better.

That’s my thought undiluted ……….

ladyjam Productions.

Monday, October 22, 2007


When will it end?


The sensles killing of our people

when will it end ?

this ........pain

that families endure
when they loose a loved one

when? i Asked will it end ?
and no one answered....
no one cares
they are busy killing
they are busy mouring

but until when?...i ask

My Journey

On Saturday 5.30 am, I was ready; all dressed up and geared for the day. The trip was long, but I got there in good time.

The Event was at the Orion Safari Lodge in Rustenburg....... a very beautiful scene ... I met a lot of incredible (beautiful, brave and intelligent) women, and as I listened to their life stories I could not help but admire their courage and humility.

The conference covered a range of topics from Health (fitness), money management, fashion, beauty and motivation.

Being there was great fun and truly inspirational.
ladyjam production

Friday, October 19, 2007

I won !!

I have been invited to the Old Mutual/Real magazine get together at Rustenburg this weekend.

I am looking forward to having a really great time with the REAL /Old Mutual Team and some Real Magazine readers.

I will post some pics of the day and I will also tell you if I make it as the cover girl (lol) or even ....if they put my pic somewhere in the Mag.

It feels great to win!

ladyjam production

Saying goodbye

I hate saying goodbye's (I think everybody does), but last night I had to do it.

Here is the story.....

A friend of mine got job in Durban and she is moving down in a few days, although this is good news..... because she finally found (almost) what she was looking for. The challenge is , with her in Durban..... i am without a lunch time mate (at work), a gym partner, a relationship counselor(lol), a chat buddy and a friend.

I am very happy for her, but I am already felling the pain of "loosing" her.I wish that she finds happiness and new friends where she is going and that she takes very good care of herself.

Last night we went out, just so we could to say goodbye properly and I must say that it was a great evening; from the decor, (at the restaurant) to the food , conversation and the company (hmmm...).

I will miss her dearly and I know she will miss me the same, and i am just glad that her leaving does not mean the end for our friendship.

I promised her that I will come to Durban and I intend to keep that promise.