Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 Rands.

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone is still safe and sound.

2008 is here to stay and it is another opportunity to improve ourselves, correct our mistakes and live our lives to the best of our ability!

I only have one new years' resolution this year (Yes!!) and it is to make money.My sister says my resolution scares her, she thinks I’ll get obsessed with money and not get a chance to live.

I am not about to rob the bank (although that is an easy option) or join the ladies at President Street (gasp), I am simply going to put on my entrepreneurial cap and start attracting money to my direction.

I spent about 80% of my monthly income, then I save some and the remainder gets chowed by my bank, and even the amount I save, I spent later in the year. So at the end I end up with no money to my name.

I want this year to be different; I want to make money and lots of it. If I’m going to be a millionaire by 30 I need to start now. I’m looking at shares, bonds and the property market.

I’m tired of being middle class; I want to be wealthy. Don’t you?

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