Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


After watching the movie 'EAT, PRAY, LOVE' I strongly believe that books should never be made into movies, never. #selfish bookworm.....coming soon!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

so you think you can dance?

My aunt is getting married in a few weeks, and i'm one of the bridemaids (panic!!).I was told that I HAVE to practice steps (wedding dance moves, i tell you)....but because I am in Johannesburg and everybody else is in Polokwane, it is impossible for me to practice with everybody else.

In the face of this tricky situation, I decided to try it out.......on my own.I went and bought one of those wedding songs dvd's (desperate times….) and I thought all i had to do was play it, and ‘do like they do’, alas! it is not as easy as that, my step counting and my turns and my hip sways are still like that of a white gal (not disrespect), sadly!!
why must it be soo complicated....mara why?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not Vegetarian.......i'm now on Vegan (big sigh)

why do I always set unrealistic goals for myself….. Mara why?

I have a wish to become a vegetarian; I know it is not going to be easy,because I am soo addicted to meat it is not funny….I want to do it, and I know I can!

BUT I do NOT want to be a raw vegan…..

A few weeks ago a friend of mine who is a raw vegan asked (on facebook) if there is anybody who would like help/support with going vegan, I was one of the 1st people to say ‘me, me me'
#typical me, always eager for a new challenge!

Raw vegan means : no animal products in food, clothing i.e no meat, no leather shoes or leather handbag, no leather interior for my ‘Land Rover’ either lol, no milk in my muesli , no eggs, no yoghurt…(cause it has milk) and no cheddar cheese EVER?

All you eat is fruits and vegetable… and you eat atleast 70% of them in their raw form. I will have cucumber sandwiches for breakfast and will be chewing on lettuce leaves and carrots for lunch, and then lettuce and raw tomatoes with carrot and a apple smoothly for supper and snack on nuts. I don’t know about you, but this sounds really absurd (with due respect)

I sat puzzled and asked myself…Have I lost my mind? Am I trying to prove some kind of point? if so, to whom? am I just acting ‘out’?But aint I too old for acting ‘out’? is this a phase?Is it mid-life crises already, soo soon…hehhhe Or have I really just lost my mind?

I know my health will befit from eating less meat or no meat at all, I know the environment will benefit if we all ate less meat, mara, do I have to start leaving on raw cabbage, celery, ground ginger and green salad with no feta cheese for the rest of my life?

On that note; I have decided, I have actually realised (after I went to a ‘chisa nyama’ the same day I had said I want to be a raw vegan) that I don’t want to be a vegan, I am not ready for it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bigger than US

There was a big halo around the sun today.....what an amazing sight. We all watched in awe, at the incredible phenomenon....i still can't get over the magnificence of it all !!

I stood there and thought, is God looking at us? is some-ELSE looking at us? are aliens coming? Is this the end of the world? My thoughts where running wild and I was anxious and excited, I was even starting to fidget (lol) Then someone announced that it is just a halo, caused my moisture/ice crystals in the air.... I was soo disappointed at the news...(that's how crazy i

Anyways, to me this was a reminder that there is something/someone out there bigger than us. The fact that this halo happened without human intervention, proves that we are just observers, we can invent all the technology we want, the truth remains - the Universe is bigger than US!!