Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not Vegetarian.......i'm now on Vegan (big sigh)

why do I always set unrealistic goals for myself….. Mara why?

I have a wish to become a vegetarian; I know it is not going to be easy,because I am soo addicted to meat it is not funny….I want to do it, and I know I can!

BUT I do NOT want to be a raw vegan…..

A few weeks ago a friend of mine who is a raw vegan asked (on facebook) if there is anybody who would like help/support with going vegan, I was one of the 1st people to say ‘me, me me'
#typical me, always eager for a new challenge!

Raw vegan means : no animal products in food, clothing i.e no meat, no leather shoes or leather handbag, no leather interior for my ‘Land Rover’ either lol, no milk in my muesli , no eggs, no yoghurt…(cause it has milk) and no cheddar cheese EVER?

All you eat is fruits and vegetable… and you eat atleast 70% of them in their raw form. I will have cucumber sandwiches for breakfast and will be chewing on lettuce leaves and carrots for lunch, and then lettuce and raw tomatoes with carrot and a apple smoothly for supper and snack on nuts. I don’t know about you, but this sounds really absurd (with due respect)

I sat puzzled and asked myself…Have I lost my mind? Am I trying to prove some kind of point? if so, to whom? am I just acting ‘out’?But aint I too old for acting ‘out’? is this a phase?Is it mid-life crises already, soo soon…hehhhe Or have I really just lost my mind?

I know my health will befit from eating less meat or no meat at all, I know the environment will benefit if we all ate less meat, mara, do I have to start leaving on raw cabbage, celery, ground ginger and green salad with no feta cheese for the rest of my life?

On that note; I have decided, I have actually realised (after I went to a ‘chisa nyama’ the same day I had said I want to be a raw vegan) that I don’t want to be a vegan, I am not ready for it!

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