Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Walk for life

I was introduced to fun walks by Thandi Tlaka (the unofficial ambassador of the Spar ladies marathon), when she invited me and our other friends to the Spar ladies marathon in 2009 - I walked for 5km, and it was the longest and most painful walk...ever!!

I was in the worst form physically and emotionally - so I guess I cannot entirely blame my body for failing me on that day, it was bound to happen, that’s what happens when you neglect your health...but something wonderful happened on that day, I fell in love with FUN WALKS - the vibe, fitness aspect, the comedy (some men wore dresses and stilettos) - the idea of taking time, to walk the streets with a group of people, gave me a sense of community, of common purpose......and that's why 'I walk' even to this day....

I have been to a few 5km walks/races since then, and yesterday I pushed the bar a little bit, I walked 8km at the Discovery/702 Walk The Talk in 1hr, 43 minutes (can we have a moment of silence I did it, and I felt no pain what-so-ever....I am highly impressed with my fitness level. *winks*

I look back to that day, at the Spar marathon and it gives me so much joy knowing that I made a committed to change my fitness form, and I worked very hard to see THE day when 8k's is just a walk in the park (pat on the back!!!)

One day I am going to start running, I want to run a 30km marathon, that's my ultimate goal. I am most certain it will not be like 'a walk in the park' but I am willing to bear the blisters and soreness of it, most importantly i am looking forward to the JOY at the finish line!!


Lu said...

*clearing voice*...well dodne girl! 8km is a lot! I am taking my hat off to is a very important part of life; you just made me consider for next year :-)

Ramasela said...

it is doing a world of good my fitness and health and it is a gr8 out door activity....i will sendyou an application form for next