Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Goodbye to a Strong woman

My mother's best friend passed on, her passing was such a shock to many as she was a STRONG woman, i think we all expected her to keep going on forever, she was like a mother to me, she raised me and my sister and my cousins and practically the whole community, she was a home-based care giver, a loving woman, full of laughter and did i mention that she was a STRONG woman.

I did not know what to say to my mother, i called everyday before the funeral and each time i was just lost for words, they had a special kind of friendship, it was like they where twins, if my mother was not home, we knew the 1st place to look for her. I remember making tea for them while growing up, how i dreaded making that tea, now i wish i had made them more tea, with bigger smile on my face. But time is thief, it takes from us the ones we cherish most....I will never forget the look on my mother's face at the funeral, i was more sad for her than anything else.

This is the woman that introduced me to Jesus and Christianity, she took me and my sister to church with her and she persuaded my mother for me and my sister to get baptised at the Roman Catholic church, and she 'forced' us to attend sunday school. We used to recite the Rosary with her, and go on church trips together. She came to my high school with my mom for most of my speech contests, she encouraged me to further my studies and would always ask how things are in the big City, now tell me.......where do find people like that?

I will always remember the warmth of her heart and the joy in her laughter.

May her soul REST in peace!!

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