Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Do you think we can ever be a rainbow nation? I do...... but we must ALL be willing to be color blind....

One color rainbow

I knew a rainbow to be beautiful
Lots of colors bright in the sky
Celebrating the rain that just passed
Colors... united..., for one purpose

I knew a rainbow to have lots of colors
All bound, together as one
Celebrating their diversity

Colors ...united.. For one course

I knew South Africa to be a rainbow
A multi -colored nation
A united people
Embracing each others differences

I knew a rainbow would arrive after the rain
Hinting a bright day to come
I waited outside....waiting…. for the rainbow
And none was insight

It looked like... the storm was still coming
It seemed... I had to wait a few more hours
A few more years............
To see all the colors together

A multi colored nation

ladyjam production

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