Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

My life , My love and my everything

Today marks a very important day in my life. I can only smile thinking about it, the thought brings incredable joy in my heart. It has not been a ride in the park , but it was and still is certianly...... the greatest ride of my life.

On this day ( 30 July 2003) I met Will, he made my heart skip a bit, and still does :). They say no one is perfect..........he is not perfect , i am not perfect , but we are perfect for each other.

Through the four years that we spend together , we laughed , smiled, cried , trusted, learned , planned , believed and most importantly connected in a very special way ....together.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Giving your all

They say you must give to those in need, but ....what happens when some people are always in need. Do you....give until there is nothing to give, then yuo start giving what you shouldn't.......because with some people when you give a hand they want your whole arm....

just a silly exaple : If i meet i guy who does not have a leg, and he wants to climb the i give him my leg?? and hope that some one will give me theirs when i'm in need?

I have been a victim of the giving spirit recently , my mother taught me to give....give and give, i think because she did not want us to be selfish.... but while giving is good, i think i should adopt a healthy giving parttern. I'm not about to become selfish.... i'm just going to be a little carefull of what i give.

Tell me what you think....

Friday, July 20, 2007

which one came first , the egg or the chicken

I have have been asked this question a million times, and my answer changed each time. It is one of the few issues in life where my view is Oblique :(
i do not think it matter which one came first, it depends if you want breakfast or lunch.
Ladyjam production

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Value of my Freedom

I salute... all comrades who fought selflessly for our Freedom
Comrades who marched the streets fearlessly
Comrades whose love for the people crafted a legacy that we’re all proud of..

I salute... all comrades who fought for Equality
Comrades who missed their families while in prison
Comrades whose pain, I can only imagine.....
When they missed weddings, funerals, birthdays, their kid’s 1st days at school.

I salute... all comrades who fought for Justice
Comrades whose love for this country is beyond measure
who missed an opportunity to live a decent life

whose life’s where altered

whose life’s where ended

for... My freedom and yours

ladyjam production

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I woke up on Wednesday morning to find jo'burg crisp white with snow, it was incredibly beautiful.

I rushed for my phone to get some snap shots.....Even thought it was extremely cold I could not resist but go out and play with the snow.

I had a great time and I would not mind doing it again. :)

I later read in the newspaper that it had not snowed in Johannesburg since 1981.

Can you believe that?