Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Voiceless..........never again

I have been in many taxis in my life, and I must say that most (not all) of my rides gave me a chill down my spine.

It is with sadness that I admit that most of our taxi drivers and queue marshals are not "service orientated" and that for me is a big concern for public transport in this country, but that is just me......

I was involved in an accident early this year. My roommate and I where on our way to work and we landed at Malbarton hospital.

Our taxi was going at lightning speed.....And the rest is history.I regret the fact that I was in that taxi and it was speeding and I just kept quiet, I was terrified, but I did not raise my concern.

As I think about it now... I realise that I was scared to speak up cause the driver might have thrown me out if his taxi ( a friend of mine was left in the middle of nowhere because she complained that driver was speeding) , but now I wish I had said something and got thrown out rather than end up in hospital with my legs and my arm sore, next to my pregnant roommate who was hysterical cause she fell by her stomach and she could not feel her baby move.

Who is to blame?.......

I would blame the driver for his reckless driving, maybe I might even blame Metro bus drivers for being on strike, because the strike contributed to my being in a taxi in the 1st place, but I would rather blame myself for willing to risk my life by my cowardness …

or maybe I should blame YOU, for your silence… when you had that bad taxi experience , should you have raised your voice against the recklessness maybe many people would not have died on our roads due to taxi drivers haste.

Never….. in his taxi…… again

All but not in his taxi
Can you speak up
and fight for customer dignity
and for the be dropped at the right place

All but never in his taxi
Can you say he is wrong!
As he passes red robots
And drives in flight mode

All but not in his taxi
Can you speak up
And emphasise the importance of a safety belts

never in his taxi
Can you raise your voice
Against reckless driving and road side ignorance

You just sit ....voiceless..
Scared to death
And watch.. as he waves his middle finger at other drivers
"they are wrong"... in his eyes

And you..... you just seat ...
cared..... voiceless in his taxi

I did that once………. But never again.

Ladyjam production

Friday, August 10, 2007

Woman's month - August

It will be a sin if woman's month passes by without a mention on my Blog. I will use this platform to pay tribute to all the women that I live with, all women that I work with, all women that I play with, the woman who raised me and not forgetting the woman in me.
Women are mothers, not only to their own children but to every child in the community and beyond.

I am speaking of women like my mother, Mother Teresa, Mrs. Moropola , Mma Manganye , Grace Hlabane and many more. Woman are strong , and I am not talking about body muscle or the might of their fists , I am speaking of strong hearts and tough characters.
Women are beautiful, with and without fake eyelashes and makeup, and their beauty is soul deep.

I am speaking of women like Lunglie Dlamini, Tuliswa Mnyango , Thandi Thamage, Mbali Matshoba, Tseleng Makume , Lerato Matshobane , Ntebaleng Chokwe , Kobela Maloba, Keika Seleka , Silvia Mothoa , Nkele Galane , Mapula , Tara and many more
Women are leaders , in their homes; to their children and husbands and their leadership in the workplace is impeccable.
Women are Pioneers, their life stories are legacies that tells a story of fearless warriors who marched on grounds where not other man dared to.

am speaking of women like Phumzile Mlambu Nxcuka and Nolitha Fakude

Women are inspiring, their words not only gives you hope, but urges you to be the best you can be.

I am speaking of women like Lebo Mashile, Ophra Winfrey, Susanna Medora Salter, Dr. Sally Ride, Nontembiso Magwaca, Nomhle Nkumbi-Ndopu, Pontsho Mabelane and many many more

Women are.......... Everything that I have mentioned and so much more

Happy woman's month.
ladyjam production

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy Birthday dear friend

A friend of mine is celebrating his birthday tomorrow ( 09 August), and I was inspired to write the little piece below. We do not choose our birthday's or our parents , or the country that we are born in, our lives might be not be what we wish them to be , but we must remember that we are here for a purpose.

For me birthdays are not just about cakes and booze, they are time for counting my blessings.

Many you Achieve Milestones Beyond U'r believe…Happy Birthday 


I don't know where it all began....
the story of my life

I was not aware of the life ahead of me
the never ending tale of their love....

HE gave me.... to them.....
for he knew they'd love me best
as they loved each other

i don't know where it all began
but i know that i am so blessed
to have this life...

Ladyjam production