Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Movies, music and some quiet time!!

I've spent the past two weekends at home, watching movies, singing along to John Legend, Alicia Keys and Beyonce' and having some quiet 'me time'. I had a foot massage, a read a book' The total Woman Prayer', and i loved it, I even took pictures of myself and they came out really *_*. The next few weeks are going to be really hectic for me,so i do appreciate having taken some time out to chill out. I got a chance to think over the state of affairs of my life , and got some perspective.

There is soo much I wanna do, so many places I wanna visit but here I am postponing and giving excuses. I remembered a quote that I read once that said ' Life does not begin when you get your dream job, or car , or house and when you meet the perfect man/woman, live now, and make the best of what you have, the rest shall follow'

That’s what Ladyjam’s gonna DO!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hi my name is Ladyjam and I’m a vegetarian wanna be…

I have been reading up on Vegetarian lifestyle and the many types of Vegetarianism, there are soo many people out there who are vegetarian and more and more parents are raising Vegetarian kids, even the state/government is encouraging people to eat less meat for environmental reasons.
What has stood out for me is that eating meat (as we are now) is causing so many problems (poverty, health issues and global warming) for the human race, yet we continue eating meat. Could it be that we are not AWARE of the effects? or we are aware,but not prepared to give up out meat addiction?

It is unbelievable the amount of money, time, food (grain), land and water it takes just to produce 1kg of a ‘juicy steak’, it is more than the amount it takes to produce 1kg of grain. The fact that we are spending so much food, water, money and land to feed animals (livestock), a lot of animals at that, just to support our carnivorous lifestyle, yet Millions of people around the world go to sleep hungry and many die of hunger, and we can't feed them because we have to feed the cows so that WE can have the burger.

It is for this reason that I've declared every Monday a meat-free day, i shall never eat meat on any Monday for as long as i live!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


We ate a LOT and watched a little bit of the Argentina and Germany game... and wrote a love note for a stranger, and lied about Thandi's birthday so she could get free ice cream….I can safely say that I have Crazy friends.

The plan was to watch the game at the Ekurhuleni Public viewing area.....but we ended up partying up a storm, until the early hours of the morning, yep I went to a night club, and danced with elated Spanish supporters at the smokey Manhattan night club

I took my sister, Koena with, she met my friends for the first time and she too thinks we are a little wild. The poor child, we took her to places she never dreamed of going, she got a taste of Jozi nite life.....huuuuu la la!

I was forced and threatened to go into this place....i really was

Still can't believe that I was in there!!!

Ooooooook, maybe I wasn't forced and threatened....but it was definitely not my idea....I promise.

After lunch we decided to go out for the night, we didn't have a clue where to go.And when Thandi suggested we go to Adult world.... I innocently asked if Adult world is a shop *-*....everybody burst out laughing, except for my innocent sister of course, she explained that she was referring to Teazer. KB suggested we go to Teazers Midrand.All i knew about this place was that Lolly Jackson, who recently passed away owned this place, and that it was a dodgy place.

To cut the long story short :

It took us some time to adjust, be we finally settled in and observed with wonder, amazement and a little shock

Was it fun? ......yeah… I could say that, apart from the fact that we went in with our knees shacking, and that our eyes pop-ed outa our skulls when we got there, not forgetting the embarrassed of our faces each time a male strippers came to our table….it was kinda fun, but it is not your everyday kinda activity

What did we do? We drank grapetizers and appletizers, to everybody’s shock, the waiter kept asking if we wanted anything else, after much deliberation we ordered a table dance, we had a good laughed/giggle through out the performance, they must have thought we where high on something!

We didn't stay for too long, the waiter told us that all Teasers quests get free entrance at the Manhattan night club and we decided to go there!!
Pole dancing

Proud hosts of the FIFA World Cup 2010....

Regina (new addition to my family), Khomotso, Mahlatse, Mpho, Mom and Siba

with my 2 year old niece blowing the vuvuzela with ease, and me trying too hard and getting my lips bruised in the process... and Siba throwing a tentrum each time she sees anyone wearing the Bafana supporter T-shirt (because she thinks it is hers) and the SABC world cup slogan ....on every South African's lips.....i am proud to say "I was there"

My sister was one on the voluteers during the World cup, she was there at all matches at Peter Mokaba Stadium....what an experience!!!

Khomotso with the 'Mexicans'

Taken just before the kickoff - we where feeling it