Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Movies, music and some quiet time!!

I've spent the past two weekends at home, watching movies, singing along to John Legend, Alicia Keys and Beyonce' and having some quiet 'me time'. I had a foot massage, a read a book' The total Woman Prayer', and i loved it, I even took pictures of myself and they came out really *_*. The next few weeks are going to be really hectic for me,so i do appreciate having taken some time out to chill out. I got a chance to think over the state of affairs of my life , and got some perspective.

There is soo much I wanna do, so many places I wanna visit but here I am postponing and giving excuses. I remembered a quote that I read once that said ' Life does not begin when you get your dream job, or car , or house and when you meet the perfect man/woman, live now, and make the best of what you have, the rest shall follow'

That’s what Ladyjam’s gonna DO!!

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