Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Powerful moment

So...... i missed my bus this morning, and i decided to take a taxi, and when i got in, my trousers got torn, badly.I asked the taxi driver to stop so i could get off, i then went back to my place and picked a skirt, ironed and smsed my boss to let her know i will be late.....and i went work.

I DID NOT get angry/upset, i did not swear at the taxi driver, nor did i curse him.I didn't even think i was having a 'BAD"day....and yes i didn't update my facebook status with 'damn taxi's'!!

I was calm, i still am and this is sooo wierd and wonderful and the same time!!

Happy Wednesday!!!

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