Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

....and then i lost it!!!!

them gals and the boys

In an attempt to re-live the Fifa world Cup and get a final glimpse of 'Phillip',I decided to go watch the Telkom charity cup @ soccer city.I invited Nozipho and her kids and some friends. We booked 6 tickets for the match and we where all excited......until we got to the Stadium.

Some ‘dimsums’ where sitting (and standing) on our seats, we kindly asked them to move, and the rudeness that came out of them was unbelievable!! The bunch; about 20 or so, of a mixture of boys and girls where drunk and rowdy and where even smoking in public. One of the girls went as far as threaten to 'kick my ass', that’s when I went ballistic, I dared her to try it…..because I would have no one threaten me about something that is rightfully mine, We paid for the seats and we had kids with us for heaven's sake. The weird thing is that everybody around us looked at me like I was being petty for demanding that the people leave, the police where not much help either, to make matter worse....We ended up moving from seat to seat as the owners of the seats would come move us, at some point we where standing by the stairs. I could not believe it, I still don' was just insane!!
The fully packed stadium

Anyway...being the phenomenal woman that I am…lol, I got over it and started enjoying the game. We had a great time at the end of the day. My team did not make it to the finals but they sure did play well :) me offcourse.....hehhhe

Although I really enjoyed watching a soccer game live, you won’t see me in a stadium anytime soon....make that never!!

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