Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A journey of 10 000 steps!!!

Becoming a vegetarian is even harder than i thought, for now i have committed to 3 days of no meat in a week, although it is not easy, it is coming on ok. So....i'm onto the next one, I want to go bungee jumping at the Soweto towers in December. (don't be soo shocked, you sohuld be used to this my now) I have saved some money for it, i just have to make sure that i don't suffer a heart attack while at it, i have to get fit, super fit, sooo.....

I decided to start working around the block (8 blocks to be exact) in the afternoon, this time with baggy pants, no more tight fitting bottoms, I’ve learned my lesson (men!!)

I found out that the gym at work is running a fitness challenge, called ‘the 10 000 steps challenge’, so i thought 10 000 step is not too bad, I could reach that within a week or so and win myself a price in the process. After I managed to recruit at least one colleague, we headed to the gym to buy pedometers (step counters) and register for the challenge, with excitement.

The excitement was short lived, it is 10 000 steps per day (ohh my gosh!!), and not 10 000 steps for the entire challenge as I had thought (yeah, yeah)

Now I’m on day 2 and on only 4000 steps. Should I stop? Should I continue? What shall I do?

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