Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hi my name is Ladyjam and I’m a vegetarian wanna be…

I have been reading up on Vegetarian lifestyle and the many types of Vegetarianism, there are soo many people out there who are vegetarian and more and more parents are raising Vegetarian kids, even the state/government is encouraging people to eat less meat for environmental reasons.
What has stood out for me is that eating meat (as we are now) is causing so many problems (poverty, health issues and global warming) for the human race, yet we continue eating meat. Could it be that we are not AWARE of the effects? or we are aware,but not prepared to give up out meat addiction?

It is unbelievable the amount of money, time, food (grain), land and water it takes just to produce 1kg of a ‘juicy steak’, it is more than the amount it takes to produce 1kg of grain. The fact that we are spending so much food, water, money and land to feed animals (livestock), a lot of animals at that, just to support our carnivorous lifestyle, yet Millions of people around the world go to sleep hungry and many die of hunger, and we can't feed them because we have to feed the cows so that WE can have the burger.

It is for this reason that I've declared every Monday a meat-free day, i shall never eat meat on any Monday for as long as i live!!!

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