Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

My visit to Cida City Campus

the students - doing their thing!! MTN T-shirts are still the BOMB

My Alumni T-shirt - Yippie

I was at Cida Park this past Saturday for a cleaning campaign and motivational session; organised by the current SRC members - I must say Cida has changed so much, apart from the recent location change (move to Cida Park)..... the environment, the student culture, the operations and the Cida ‘family’ vibe...... is just not the same...but change is not all bad.Cida, now has sports grounds, lecture halls, a dining hall and a number of residences, including the Oprah girl's residence and the Dell Foundation Boy's residence.

I remember my 1st day at Cida vividly, like it was yesterday, it was a big day - now almost 10 years later, i am a graduate, a professional in my own right, and I am living my dream, well almost, but i have made it.

During my visit, I was overwhelmed by the current state of affairs at Cida, there has been soo many strikes, and at some point the electricity was cut off due to non-payments. What really got to me is the fact that JUST like in past, the students are uncertain of their future, they live in fear that the institution may close at any moment, all this is still happening besides Cida having produced more than 5000 Graduates, whom some are managers, consultants, business owners and specialists in various fields.

It seems the success of the graduates, which is ultimately the success of Cida is not known to the current Cida students - The Graduates are invincible, as a result Cida remains invincible!!

Come to think of it, I just grabbed what Cida had to offer and left without giving anything back. I owe Cida a lot of gratitude for laying down the fondation for my career, for giving me hope. I an however not saying that anyone should feel indebted or obliged to give back, neither do I wish to convicne anyone to dedicate their entire life to Cida – ALL i am saying is - as a graduates, we are in a position to make a positive contribution towards the sustainability of Cida City Campus - in a quest to ensure that the gift of free education does not end with US (the former students)!!

The Cida Alumni Association is available to facilitate the efforts, so we have the platform, all we have to do is make an effort, it can be a few hours of you time, or you can send a note with words of encouragement, or you can mentor a student or offer your skills to assist in the running of the campus!!

There is no limit to how much one can give, there is not limit to the number of lives YOU can change - together we can!!

Prayer - Thapelo

Last night I prayed
Not for God to give me assurance of a beautiful future

But I prayed for courage, so that I can face whatever future is coming my way

Last night I prayed

Not for God to ‘roll out the happiness carpet for me’
I prayed for a meaningful life, so I can live each moment to the fullest

Last night I prayed, for wisdom, so that I will always know that no matter what happens, God will never leave my side!!

Ladyjam productions

Agnes is in a complicated relationship ------ with meat

So my sister just woke up one day and decided that her relationship with meat is over, and it has been 2 months and she has not had a relapse, not even once.......if that’s not serious WILL power...i don’t know what is

But why can't I, a die-hard vegetarian wanna, seem to not get it right, I’ve drafted plans, I’ve set targets, changed my menu, bought meatless groceries, but my taste buds always find their way to the nearest chisa nyama :). I have tried everything in my power to 'wean' off meat, but alas, i had spaghetti and MINCE just the other day :( and this morning I took the chicken out of the freezer for supper - ##I can almost see the roast....ahahhhaha

Maybe I am not ready, maybe I am too addicted to meat, maybe I am just being rebellious *typical me* mara whatever it is, I need to get to the bottom of it...... soon

Until then, I continue eating meat, with guilt the size of the Atlantic ocean ----

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Tribute to my mother !!

Heroic measures

Not all heroes need to wear funny costumes and jump from one building to the next, cause
Some hero don’t need choreographed stunts to get a standing ovation
I know a hero
That has moved heaven and earth for me, in the absence of ‘camera, lights, action’
On countless accassions, she wiped my tears and painted a smile on my face with a single stroke of her magic wand

Not all heroes need to wear funny costumes and jump from one building to the next, cause
Some hero’s perform miracles with their feet safe on ground,
My hero has the ability to speak wisdom to crazy situations
she can see invincible light in people
She taught how to hold my head up to the sky
and told me I could be anything I wanted to be, and look at me now

Not all heroes wear funny costumes and jump from one building to the next, and thank God
Cause , I don’t think a spiderman suit will do her justice
She wears a smile on her face the size of Africa, and that’s enough
My hero, Is an ordinary woman who watches soapies and likes Tyler Perry movies
She makes the best ‘samp and beans’ in the whole wide world
And she is my mother

SAMA what???

I'm talking about THEEEEE SAMA awards -- yes i was there, with ma crew and the pics speaks for themselves :)

Me, Kgomotso, Malose, Koena

Why should i vote

I am glad the election season is over, for a moment there South Africans forgot about the rainbow nation that is if the rainbow nation is not just an illusion. The level of tolerance for one another was shocking..... name calling was 'normal'...... i watched in amazement as all the political party leaders said the most horrifying things, they made it their mission to expose shortcomings of the opposition and this was evident with the open toilet saga - pheww!!

Politics is dirty business’, that's what my history teacher used to say, and it gets worse when race is dragged into the picture - I admit that it is impossible in South Africa and perhaps in most parts on the world world for race not to be a factor is politics, this is due to the history of oppression of people with a darker skin color – let me hold is there, as this is an issue I do not wish to discuss on this platform.

My problem is that, I get a feeling that in all the elections , especially the local municipality elections, people are ‘incited’ to feel that they have an obligation to vote for their 'freedom' instate of voting for service delivery, which is the issue at hand. I don’t know if I am making sense, but with democracy being relatively new (for blacks) and there is a lingering 'fear', fuelled by political parties, that they people will lose their freedom if they don't vote 'correct'.....So voting becomes a 'safe guarding' measure for their valued Freedom…….in other words, to hell with service delivery.

Honestly, I feel that the ruling party has reached a political ‘comfort zone’ – I think they don’t see a need to deliver the necessary services to the community, especially poor communities because come voting time – all they need to do is 'tell' people to for Mandela, or Biko's legacy, people are reminded of the pain of the struggle.

I do not wish to disregard the efforts, struggle, pain and suffering of our struggle heroes, I do not wish to take away anything from what they fought so hard for – I for one,is very grateful for the freedom I enjoy today, but SA citizens deserves far better than what we are getting, let me say the poor, the unemployed, crime victims and tax payers deserve way better than what the government is offering or willing to do!!

I want to live, to see the day when leaders will serve their communities to the fulfilment of their promises (manifesto) – I want leaders to stop this silly power struggle and start working towards creating a better South Africa – so that when we vote for them, we get our vote’s worth!!

For now, i aint voting for no ONE!!