Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

If I were Malema, I would have a trust fund too

Picture by Agnes waga Mashao - Courtesy of Ladyjam productions

Let’s say I was the president of the ANC youth league, (minus the chubby cheeks ne’) and I had tenderpreneur wanna-be’s constantly knocking on my door trying to buy political favour from me, let’s not forget that I am a father, in my thirties, earning ‘R20 000’ pm, with a job that has an expiry date (ANCYL policies classifies a ‘youth’ as any individual under the age of 35)…. let us ALSO not forget that I am NOT everybody’s favourite person in South Africa and in Britain of-course– on top of that I also have a love-hate relationship with my boss and the media…..what do you think I would do?

What would YOU do?

One thing I know for sure is that, I would not print and enlarge section 13 of the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004 and put it on a large frame and display it in my living room.

As a Youth, my aspiration would simply not allow me…. and like many SA youth with an exquisite taste for ‘le-good-life’, a life that a ‘R20 000’ salary cannot afford, I would resort to ‘other’ means to fund the lifestyle of my dreams, the lifestyle like that of children of CEO’s and mine moguls.

But …while the rest of my fellow ‘beeg dreamers’ rush to the banks for yet another credit card – I would simply open my door for the tenderprenuers… invite them for coffee, and we then we would go about discussing a mutually beneficial relationship - the results of which, would be TRUST fund, a ‘charitable’, tax compliant TRUST fund. There would be no violence...just a group of adults extending a helping hand to one ‘borrowing sugar from your neighbour’.

I am glad I am not Malema, I am glad the court has not declared me a ‘public figure’, and I am most certainly happy Ferial Haffajee does not want to publish my financial statements, because low and behold, what an embarrassment it would be – for my lifestyle is purely sustained by my ‘overdrawn’ credit card – I wish I had other means, you know, something like a TRUST FUND.

ladyjam productions

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