Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Brand New Day

This post is inspired by the late Lebo Mathosa's song " its a brand new day"

I'm back at work, the first few days where the hardest...i miss my little girl terribly...Last week i spend all my time staring at her pictures.I am going to see her in few days time...its actully weeks) but it feels a lot better when i say days. With every sun rise ...every (brand) new day i miss and love her more. I' can't wait for the day when we will dance to the track , and celebrate life. It is in deed a brand new adventure for us. Life's good!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

One step at a time

I tried to plan my life once…I had a perfect list; I went like School, Perfect job,
Perfect house, perfect car, and perfect man and then perfect babies. Some one very wise once said: “in the midst of the planning and the counting …..Life happens” and so it did.

I came to a sad realisation that “perfect” does not exist...and that broke my heart. So... does that mean that I should no longer have expectations… I think not, I think it means that I should not restrict myself to a particular outcome ….. I should just plunge and hope for the best and who knows I might receive or experience more than I expected

Tonight I sit here, next to my daughter who came before the house, the car, THE job, and the wedding and I have no words to express how divine this moment is, it is close to perfect.
Although I could not get every thing in “perfect” order, I’m at peace knowing that, yes….I can’t know it all but I can do my best and take pleasure in every moment. From today I will not plan….. I will let go and let GOD

One step at a time

I tried to plan my life once…I had a perfect list; I went like School, Perfect job,
Perfect house, perfect car, and perfect man and then perfect babies. Some one very wise once said: “in the midst of the planning and the counting …..Life happens” and so it did.

I came to a sad realisation that “perfect” does not exist...and that broke my heart. So... does that mean that I should no longer have expectations… I think not, I think it means that I should not restrict myself to a particular outcome ….. I should just plunge and hope for the best and who knows I might receive or experience more than I expected

Tonight I sit here, next to my daughter who came before the house, the car, THE job, and the wedding and I have no words to express how divine this moment is, it is close to perfect.
Although I could not get every thing in “perfect” order, I’m at peace knowing that, yes….I can’t know it all but I can do my best and take pleasure in every moment. From today I will not plan….. I will let go and let GOD

Monday, November 10, 2008

tic toc

There is only 3 weeks to go …..then I’ll pack my bag and go back to jo’burg.i have mixed feeling about going back to work….but more so about leaving my daughter behind.

In the last few month she became my world, my everything…and I ask myself if she is my all.....why would I want to leave her, Why would I want to be more than 6 hours away? Except from my job there is really nothing that I’m rushing to, and that breaks more than my heart.

she is here


20 Augugst 2008

The time has arrived…..there is only a few days to go…..I’m anxious and a bit impatient. The waiting is not easy … is like waiting for a bus on the day of a national workers strike…..not knowing if its coming or not. I thought she would come earlier, but it seems she is still enjoying the nestling comfort of my tummy ( blush)

Everybody with experience has told me how painful labor is…. ( grrrrr…) I wish there was an easier way (sigh!). One thing I know for sure is that I am ready to push… knowing that every pain, every contraction will bring my Angel close to me. I can’t wait to cuddle her, kiss her, feed her and just look at her pretty little face.

It has been a very long but worthy journey, one that I will not think twice to embark …but not in the near future. I have absolutely no regrets and I’ve loved carrying a life inside me. That made me like an incubator, I was able to protect and nurture a baby for 9 months and that makes me a proud mother.

During this time I learned so much about myself, I got to discover my inner strength, I found other dimensions of life…..which I am ready to explore.

I never thought in my life that I will ever eagerly look forward to pains, Yepp!! , that’s what I’m waiting for , stabbing… pains as my labor contractions starts…….tic toc tic toc…

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Suprise...and she ran away!!

I took the keys out of my bag, opened the feet where killing me....i needed some sleep...and then.....A loud scream erupted as I stepped into the house...SUPRISE!! Out of shock I ran for the door, screaming. Well running away was a big mistake because i get teased about it all the time and I laugh at myself too....

Lungile and Admire are the Best for organising yet another surprise for me , Ntebaleng, Princess, Thabile , Nozipho , Tuliswa , Thandi , Ouma, Nozipho and Lady.....thank you for coming , thank you for the gifts and thank you for making the day so special. And to my friends who could not make it(Lizzie, Mbali, Anna, Nomthandazo , Nonhlanhla, Kobela and Phethile)....I appreciate your efforts.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A movie day that turned into a baby shower!

My friends came by my place for movies a few weeks back.....little did i know that they had a suprise planned for me. They brought lots of pressies for me and the baby.I'm very gratefull to have them as friends. Thank you gals.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Meet My baby.....

Last week Monday was a big day, i got a chance to see my lil' Angel. Thanx to techonolgy i saw my baby's pretty lil smile. ohh i could not believe it. She was sitting in there ......playing with the umbilical cord, turning and twisting and yawning....... it was a real miracle.

Soon i will hold her in my arms....I am blessed to have her....

Where do i start?

It’s been long since my last post. It has been very hectic...... I’m still recovering from my long weekend in Mpumalanga and I had lots of fun.....

My mood was however dampened by the news that Mugabe is the "winner" of the Zimbabwean Presidential "Election". I was crossing my fingers for a miracle for the people of Zim, but I’m starting to loose hope. Robert has done it again....despite concerns/suggestions/warnings/ from the AU, the UN and the media. Is there really nothing that any of us can do ???? well i guess there isn't.

I've been enjoying shopping and getting ready for my baby's arrival.... I just never thought I’ll need so many things! The shopping list is long, and it keeps getting longer and longer....Now i know what the mean when they say babies are expensive.

Work has been less hectic....i finally have time to read my mail and have lunch away from my desk (phew!!).

I'm looking forward to my antenatal classes.....I can just imagine..... a group of pregnant women in one room....chatting about cravings , sleepless nights , swollen feet ...breastfeeding.... and constantly rushing to the loo ( blush)..... I’ve been skipping the classes for a while now.... but now I really can't miss them, unless I want to go into motherhood uncool is that??

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

She is a Superstar in the making

Ladies and Gentlemen ...i present to you Mpho. Young ...sweet..and obvioulsy far from shy.

I call her Mphoza....and this is not your avarage 6 year old , she already knows how to switch on a laptop ( yes ! she knows the password ) to view her photos and to find her favorite game (bubbles)..and.....she is an actress in the making....her dream is to act in SA's popular soapie Generations and to board a plane. I have no doubt she will achieve all this and more.....

I love her to bits......

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Out with the old

The breeze of winter is getting closer; its time for the summer clothes to move out of the cupboards and for the jackets and boots to take up centre stage. For me...well it is time to go shopping for maternity winter wear (ohhhh) old winter clothes will just have to wait for next year's chilling season.

I do hope we get some snow this year , I’ll have my camera ready to capture the white sheet of ice balls, that is if I’m not in the maternity ward screaming my lungs out. lol.

The end if this winter will mark the beginning of a new Era for me in many ways.” I’ll have a new outlook on life" I am told. I'll have new responsibilities - that for sure. I’ll be moving up the corporate ladder - I hope (WE are working on it) , One thing I know for sure is that there’ll be no “kung fu” practices in my tummy – I will miss them though...

While we all get ready for winter, let’s hope that Eskom is also following suite, or we are in for a trembling shock, but i guess something will not change..... Like the weather does

Friday, March 14, 2008


A lot has happened since my last post. I am proud to anounce that i'm soon going to be a mother, something that i never imagined would happen so soon.At first i saw this baby as hinderens to my dreams,an incoveniece, bad timing in many ways. In my perfect fairy tale a lot more should have happend before i reach this point.

I have made peace with the fact that i'm not the ONE in charge and that things happen in God's order. Everytime this baby moves inside me, i feel God's might and power present in me.

Monday, January 7, 2008

my summer beads

This summer was bright, bold and colorful, all thanks to my beads (lol),now I’m even more inspired to create more of Ladyjam’s couture.

I’m seeing a potential client next weekend and if all goes well I could be making accessories for a traditional wedding in March. I’m busy putting together a catalog and here is some of the stuff I’ll use

I would really love to hear from you , please leave a comment for me , or send me a mail on

2008 Rands.

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone is still safe and sound.

2008 is here to stay and it is another opportunity to improve ourselves, correct our mistakes and live our lives to the best of our ability!

I only have one new years' resolution this year (Yes!!) and it is to make money.My sister says my resolution scares her, she thinks I’ll get obsessed with money and not get a chance to live.

I am not about to rob the bank (although that is an easy option) or join the ladies at President Street (gasp), I am simply going to put on my entrepreneurial cap and start attracting money to my direction.

I spent about 80% of my monthly income, then I save some and the remainder gets chowed by my bank, and even the amount I save, I spent later in the year. So at the end I end up with no money to my name.

I want this year to be different; I want to make money and lots of it. If I’m going to be a millionaire by 30 I need to start now. I’m looking at shares, bonds and the property market.

I’m tired of being middle class; I want to be wealthy. Don’t you?