Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Siba turns TWO!!

Can you believe it, my baby gal is two......yeah!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The diary of a 'mad' chubby woman!!

Ok, let's get one thing very clear, I have the highest self worth, I respect myself and my body and I aspire to be as healthy as possible BUT I am not skinny, I was not born that way and I doubt any miracle will happen that would turn me into Cinderella, Tyra Banks or anything resembling the body of a miss world!! I mean really now!

I am very mad at all the prejudice society puts on chubby people, like we are from some wierd planet. I know most people associate skinny with healthy, which makes sense, but don’t sum up my capabilities, both social and professional based on the size of my curves or my butt for that matter.

It is soo unfortunate that we ‘carry’ our fat with us, in full view of everybody, while pedophiles and thugs are able to hide their true nature, therefore they get no judgment or condemnation, they live free of prying eyes and undermining looks. It makes me soo mad.

I was walking (exercise) with my sister and this man looked and us and said ‘the third one (me)wa forsa’ (basically not fit enough to walk)and he laughed!!I went to him and said ‘you know nothing about me, so just shutup’ , I then went on walking.But I was soo discouraged afterwards and I got soo mad. So...does that mean that I’m not fit enough to be considered healthy, and I’m not fit enough to train?
And then....when I joined a fitness challenge at work and someone said ‘you really must loose weight'.I almost lost it, thank God I didn’t. I did ask though ‘who said i need a man’?, I was a little rude, but can you blame me, really?? I know she probably didn't mean to offend me, but it is such words, that can destroy one's confidence and make you feel 'less-than', like there is something wrong with you.

I am mad for me, and all other women and men who are considered lazy and lacking self love because of their body size or shape.I am more mad and scared for my daughter, the mere of thought of her ‘hating’ herself for being chubby and possibly starving herself to be accepted by society puts me on the brink of real madness.

I do not want my baby gal to ever go on yo-yo diets
I don’t not want her to force a small pair of jeans on herself in the fitting room, Never
I do not want her to get obsessed with the scale...
I do not want her to aspire to be like Barbie doll or anything resembling a stereotype of a perfect body
I don’t want her to deprive herself of chocolate, cream cheese or cake if she fells like it
I want her to know she that is made perfect, that she is fine and worthy, as she is
I want her to be healthy and have a healthy (mental) image of herself

It will not be easy for me to raise her to love her body with all it's imperfections because you and I know that people always try to force their views on others, they look at you and box you, before they even hear your story or even your name for that matter!

In the meantime I remain ‘mad’, chubby and Lebo Mashile would say ‘I am sdudla-fabulous’……………….so deal with it!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

3D view

I am battling to get used to my new found 3D view [laughs]; I find it very awkward to have to walk on an exaggerated surface. Apparently it gets better with time, but I really wish I didn’t have to go through this.

As from last week, I wear a pair of eyeglasses (when reading and working), it is necessary as my eyes are starting to fail me (old age I am glad I don’t have to strain my eyes looking at the computer’s screen and when I read, and the headaches will finally go. (yippie)

I cannot imagine life without my eyesight, getting these glasses made me realise that although I’m short sighted and I hate eye glasses, I am fortunate to be able to see. Something we often take for granted.

I won’t be able to write my book if I can’t see, and the thought of not being able to read (ohh I love reading) terrifies me, I wouldn’t be able to follow my passion for photography either and wouldn’t see all my loved ones, I thank God for my sight.

On a lighter note, I received a pair of stylish Bassie sunglass for FREE, just because I chose Bassie frames for my eyeglasses, so I got rewarded for being proudly South African and proudly woman, ahhh I love it!! can I forget, Moagi keeps teasing me about my glasses, he looks at me and says ‘you look intelligent’ [laughs]

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A journey of 10 000 steps!!!

Becoming a vegetarian is even harder than i thought, for now i have committed to 3 days of no meat in a week, although it is not easy, it is coming on ok. So....i'm onto the next one, I want to go bungee jumping at the Soweto towers in December. (don't be soo shocked, you sohuld be used to this my now) I have saved some money for it, i just have to make sure that i don't suffer a heart attack while at it, i have to get fit, super fit, sooo.....

I decided to start working around the block (8 blocks to be exact) in the afternoon, this time with baggy pants, no more tight fitting bottoms, I’ve learned my lesson (men!!)

I found out that the gym at work is running a fitness challenge, called ‘the 10 000 steps challenge’, so i thought 10 000 step is not too bad, I could reach that within a week or so and win myself a price in the process. After I managed to recruit at least one colleague, we headed to the gym to buy pedometers (step counters) and register for the challenge, with excitement.

The excitement was short lived, it is 10 000 steps per day (ohh my gosh!!), and not 10 000 steps for the entire challenge as I had thought (yeah, yeah)

Now I’m on day 2 and on only 4000 steps. Should I stop? Should I continue? What shall I do?

Monday, August 16, 2010

'Pretty' walk

Me and Admire

I walked a 5km race in a dress, well if that aint fabulous femininity I don’t know what, truth be told, we (my sisters and i) where very late for the Totalsports women’s Race and we didn’t have enough time to change and fellow 'racer' where already on the move, sooooo we decided to join in. We subjected ourselves to a lot of stares, comments and giggles, but it was not that bad.

I bumped into my college mates Joleen and Admire, how awesome is that. I might go to the Vodacom challage race this coming Sunday, that is if I’m feeling better, because flu turned me into a ‘zombie’ for 5 days and I’m still feeling a lil sick*ish. Hopefully I won’t be late…. :)

I got home and dressed up...i had

....and then i lost it!!!!

them gals and the boys

In an attempt to re-live the Fifa world Cup and get a final glimpse of 'Phillip',I decided to go watch the Telkom charity cup @ soccer city.I invited Nozipho and her kids and some friends. We booked 6 tickets for the match and we where all excited......until we got to the Stadium.

Some ‘dimsums’ where sitting (and standing) on our seats, we kindly asked them to move, and the rudeness that came out of them was unbelievable!! The bunch; about 20 or so, of a mixture of boys and girls where drunk and rowdy and where even smoking in public. One of the girls went as far as threaten to 'kick my ass', that’s when I went ballistic, I dared her to try it…..because I would have no one threaten me about something that is rightfully mine, We paid for the seats and we had kids with us for heaven's sake. The weird thing is that everybody around us looked at me like I was being petty for demanding that the people leave, the police where not much help either, to make matter worse....We ended up moving from seat to seat as the owners of the seats would come move us, at some point we where standing by the stairs. I could not believe it, I still don' was just insane!!
The fully packed stadium

Anyway...being the phenomenal woman that I am…lol, I got over it and started enjoying the game. We had a great time at the end of the day. My team did not make it to the finals but they sure did play well :) me offcourse.....hehhhe

Although I really enjoyed watching a soccer game live, you won’t see me in a stadium anytime soon....make that never!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Powerful moment

So...... i missed my bus this morning, and i decided to take a taxi, and when i got in, my trousers got torn, badly.I asked the taxi driver to stop so i could get off, i then went back to my place and picked a skirt, ironed and smsed my boss to let her know i will be late.....and i went work.

I DID NOT get angry/upset, i did not swear at the taxi driver, nor did i curse him.I didn't even think i was having a 'BAD"day....and yes i didn't update my facebook status with 'damn taxi's'!!

I was calm, i still am and this is sooo wierd and wonderful and the same time!!

Happy Wednesday!!!