Ladyjam Blog

My Joy, my Pride, my Tears all on a Blog!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2008 here i come

Phew! what a ride.... The end of yet another year is in a few weeks. 2007 was great, and i have a hunch 2008 can only get better.

I thank the Lord for my life and all the blessings i recieved.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the begining of the end

a shartered dream , a lost love and a pearcing pain
thats my today
and it is wrong
it is unlike in my dream
it can't be real

is this the END?
it is ...
if i accept it as is ..

Monday, November 12, 2007

Just for me!

I made myself a necklace for a special occasion (my SAP certification) and it is my favorite accessory so far!

giving it life ........with beads

Bag of beads!! I put a few beads on this bag and i turned it into a real stuner!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

ordinary to exra-ordinary

I bought a plain denim skirt from one of the retail stores and i transformed it , the ladyjam way......

stay tuned for the pictures............

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Crazy about beads!

I wear beads almost everyday these days and i do this for two reasons, to accessorise and to advertise my creations. I am walking advert!!

I am crazy about beads ( it seems i am crazy about a lot of things this days), i just love beads. I have made so many bracelets and necklaces and earrings, i can have one for each day of the month.

To place an order for any of the above pattens or any other pattern drop me an e-mail on

Monday, November 5, 2007

mission accomplished

I walked into the walls of Cida City Campus in 2002.... excited and nervous...., not sure what to expect, and it turend out to be a the greatest journey of my life, yet.

Last week I attended The ICT certification ceremony, and walked into the walls of Cida once more (After almost a year -I am ashamed of myself),and this time with excitement, and the mission was clear- to collect my last certificate . The certificate will add to an array of many of my Achivements while at Cida.

I say mission accomplished , because i can now safely say my journey at Cida has come to an end, or should i say my jouney as a Cida Student has ended.

Season to read !!

The end of the year is a few days away, and it's time to be jolly and marry.For some it's time to party, and for most of us.... it is time rest and spend quality time with family and loved ones.

Finally I’ll get time to myself ... and then I will catch up on my reading.Last week i came across a second hand bookshop that is surprisingly affordable and the books are still a very good condition. ( See attached pic).

I got myself 11 books ( I can just see your expression now, ha!) , Yes I am a bookworm ( to the core) surprising enough i still have time to do all my crocheting and my blog , I work almost 10 hours a day and i have a social live! Amazing, ne?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog Under construction.........

please come again later ..Ladyjam :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Soweto......not good enough

I just heard that the rugby parade will not go past Soweto as planned, and I cannot help but wonder why.... I have not yet heard the reason for this decision, so I will go with my opinion on the matter.

It is not a secret The South African Rugby is not "united”, and by that I mean the not all SA demographics are well represented in the active team and I doubt if they will ever be (looking at the development rate of Rugby in places like Soweto)

If my memory serves me well, last week all South African where urged to support the Team, we all wore green and had braais around the country and on Saturday we watched the game in support of the Boks.

Come celebration time the very same supporters , who did not sleep on Saturday , who rushed to stores to buy the rugby jerseys and flags , who cheered when the team won the cup are excluded from the celebration or is it just Sowetans who are shunned??

Correct me if I am wrong …but when the Rugby team returned home the airport was packed with Sponsors and Supporters, green and yellow. My belief is that the celebration parade should serve as a "thank you" gesture to all Sponsors and Supporters, green and yellow.

I know what I am saying is not "politically correct" but my opinion is echoed by The Transformation and Anti-Racism Rugby Committee (TARC) as they said “the South African Rugby Union's decision to exclude Soweto from its victory parade is a monumental blunder."

I could not have said it better.

That’s my thought undiluted ……….

ladyjam Productions.

Monday, October 22, 2007


When will it end?


The sensles killing of our people

when will it end ?

this ........pain

that families endure
when they loose a loved one

when? i Asked will it end ?
and no one answered....
no one cares
they are busy killing
they are busy mouring

but until when?...i ask

My Journey

On Saturday 5.30 am, I was ready; all dressed up and geared for the day. The trip was long, but I got there in good time.

The Event was at the Orion Safari Lodge in Rustenburg....... a very beautiful scene ... I met a lot of incredible (beautiful, brave and intelligent) women, and as I listened to their life stories I could not help but admire their courage and humility.

The conference covered a range of topics from Health (fitness), money management, fashion, beauty and motivation.

Being there was great fun and truly inspirational.
ladyjam production

Friday, October 19, 2007

I won !!

I have been invited to the Old Mutual/Real magazine get together at Rustenburg this weekend.

I am looking forward to having a really great time with the REAL /Old Mutual Team and some Real Magazine readers.

I will post some pics of the day and I will also tell you if I make it as the cover girl (lol) or even ....if they put my pic somewhere in the Mag.

It feels great to win!

ladyjam production

Saying goodbye

I hate saying goodbye's (I think everybody does), but last night I had to do it.

Here is the story.....

A friend of mine got job in Durban and she is moving down in a few days, although this is good news..... because she finally found (almost) what she was looking for. The challenge is , with her in Durban..... i am without a lunch time mate (at work), a gym partner, a relationship counselor(lol), a chat buddy and a friend.

I am very happy for her, but I am already felling the pain of "loosing" her.I wish that she finds happiness and new friends where she is going and that she takes very good care of herself.

Last night we went out, just so we could to say goodbye properly and I must say that it was a great evening; from the decor, (at the restaurant) to the food , conversation and the company (hmmm...).

I will miss her dearly and I know she will miss me the same, and i am just glad that her leaving does not mean the end for our friendship.

I promised her that I will come to Durban and I intend to keep that promise.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Creating my world

I always say that i am not a "domesticated" woman, not sure what that means.....
To My suprise I enjoy domestic duties like cooking , knitting , cleaning , washing and and i am not bad at it either.

I have started a little knitting project and it's coming out very well, considering i do not have a project plan. (lol)

This is what i started with ......

and in two weeks I have a cushion cover , Very cute ...even if i say so myself :)

Watch this space for more of my creations.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Voiceless..........never again

I have been in many taxis in my life, and I must say that most (not all) of my rides gave me a chill down my spine.

It is with sadness that I admit that most of our taxi drivers and queue marshals are not "service orientated" and that for me is a big concern for public transport in this country, but that is just me......

I was involved in an accident early this year. My roommate and I where on our way to work and we landed at Malbarton hospital.

Our taxi was going at lightning speed.....And the rest is history.I regret the fact that I was in that taxi and it was speeding and I just kept quiet, I was terrified, but I did not raise my concern.

As I think about it now... I realise that I was scared to speak up cause the driver might have thrown me out if his taxi ( a friend of mine was left in the middle of nowhere because she complained that driver was speeding) , but now I wish I had said something and got thrown out rather than end up in hospital with my legs and my arm sore, next to my pregnant roommate who was hysterical cause she fell by her stomach and she could not feel her baby move.

Who is to blame?.......

I would blame the driver for his reckless driving, maybe I might even blame Metro bus drivers for being on strike, because the strike contributed to my being in a taxi in the 1st place, but I would rather blame myself for willing to risk my life by my cowardness …

or maybe I should blame YOU, for your silence… when you had that bad taxi experience , should you have raised your voice against the recklessness maybe many people would not have died on our roads due to taxi drivers haste.

Never….. in his taxi…… again

All but not in his taxi
Can you speak up
and fight for customer dignity
and for the be dropped at the right place

All but never in his taxi
Can you say he is wrong!
As he passes red robots
And drives in flight mode

All but not in his taxi
Can you speak up
And emphasise the importance of a safety belts

never in his taxi
Can you raise your voice
Against reckless driving and road side ignorance

You just sit ....voiceless..
Scared to death
And watch.. as he waves his middle finger at other drivers
"they are wrong"... in his eyes

And you..... you just seat ...
cared..... voiceless in his taxi

I did that once………. But never again.

Ladyjam production

Friday, August 10, 2007

Woman's month - August

It will be a sin if woman's month passes by without a mention on my Blog. I will use this platform to pay tribute to all the women that I live with, all women that I work with, all women that I play with, the woman who raised me and not forgetting the woman in me.
Women are mothers, not only to their own children but to every child in the community and beyond.

I am speaking of women like my mother, Mother Teresa, Mrs. Moropola , Mma Manganye , Grace Hlabane and many more. Woman are strong , and I am not talking about body muscle or the might of their fists , I am speaking of strong hearts and tough characters.
Women are beautiful, with and without fake eyelashes and makeup, and their beauty is soul deep.

I am speaking of women like Lunglie Dlamini, Tuliswa Mnyango , Thandi Thamage, Mbali Matshoba, Tseleng Makume , Lerato Matshobane , Ntebaleng Chokwe , Kobela Maloba, Keika Seleka , Silvia Mothoa , Nkele Galane , Mapula , Tara and many more
Women are leaders , in their homes; to their children and husbands and their leadership in the workplace is impeccable.
Women are Pioneers, their life stories are legacies that tells a story of fearless warriors who marched on grounds where not other man dared to.

am speaking of women like Phumzile Mlambu Nxcuka and Nolitha Fakude

Women are inspiring, their words not only gives you hope, but urges you to be the best you can be.

I am speaking of women like Lebo Mashile, Ophra Winfrey, Susanna Medora Salter, Dr. Sally Ride, Nontembiso Magwaca, Nomhle Nkumbi-Ndopu, Pontsho Mabelane and many many more

Women are.......... Everything that I have mentioned and so much more

Happy woman's month.
ladyjam production

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy Birthday dear friend

A friend of mine is celebrating his birthday tomorrow ( 09 August), and I was inspired to write the little piece below. We do not choose our birthday's or our parents , or the country that we are born in, our lives might be not be what we wish them to be , but we must remember that we are here for a purpose.

For me birthdays are not just about cakes and booze, they are time for counting my blessings.

Many you Achieve Milestones Beyond U'r believe…Happy Birthday 


I don't know where it all began....
the story of my life

I was not aware of the life ahead of me
the never ending tale of their love....

HE gave me.... to them.....
for he knew they'd love me best
as they loved each other

i don't know where it all began
but i know that i am so blessed
to have this life...

Ladyjam production

Monday, July 30, 2007

My life , My love and my everything

Today marks a very important day in my life. I can only smile thinking about it, the thought brings incredable joy in my heart. It has not been a ride in the park , but it was and still is certianly...... the greatest ride of my life.

On this day ( 30 July 2003) I met Will, he made my heart skip a bit, and still does :). They say no one is perfect..........he is not perfect , i am not perfect , but we are perfect for each other.

Through the four years that we spend together , we laughed , smiled, cried , trusted, learned , planned , believed and most importantly connected in a very special way ....together.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Giving your all

They say you must give to those in need, but ....what happens when some people are always in need. Do you....give until there is nothing to give, then yuo start giving what you shouldn't.......because with some people when you give a hand they want your whole arm....

just a silly exaple : If i meet i guy who does not have a leg, and he wants to climb the i give him my leg?? and hope that some one will give me theirs when i'm in need?

I have been a victim of the giving spirit recently , my mother taught me to give....give and give, i think because she did not want us to be selfish.... but while giving is good, i think i should adopt a healthy giving parttern. I'm not about to become selfish.... i'm just going to be a little carefull of what i give.

Tell me what you think....

Friday, July 20, 2007

which one came first , the egg or the chicken

I have have been asked this question a million times, and my answer changed each time. It is one of the few issues in life where my view is Oblique :(
i do not think it matter which one came first, it depends if you want breakfast or lunch.
Ladyjam production

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Value of my Freedom

I salute... all comrades who fought selflessly for our Freedom
Comrades who marched the streets fearlessly
Comrades whose love for the people crafted a legacy that we’re all proud of..

I salute... all comrades who fought for Equality
Comrades who missed their families while in prison
Comrades whose pain, I can only imagine.....
When they missed weddings, funerals, birthdays, their kid’s 1st days at school.

I salute... all comrades who fought for Justice
Comrades whose love for this country is beyond measure
who missed an opportunity to live a decent life

whose life’s where altered

whose life’s where ended

for... My freedom and yours

ladyjam production

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I woke up on Wednesday morning to find jo'burg crisp white with snow, it was incredibly beautiful.

I rushed for my phone to get some snap shots.....Even thought it was extremely cold I could not resist but go out and play with the snow.

I had a great time and I would not mind doing it again. :)

I later read in the newspaper that it had not snowed in Johannesburg since 1981.

Can you believe that?

Friday, June 15, 2007

"Some books leave us free and some books make us free" Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Libraria

Reading is one of my favourite pass times, i have read lots of good books and bad ones. I enjoyed comics as a kid ( Archie was my favorite) , then i moved to romantic novels as a teenager ( at 23 i would think that i am not a teenager ) I read Danielle Steele and i used to have a little Mills and Boon collection . I would occasionally read a thriller or an Autobiography.
That was until i was introduced to "serious" books. My first serious book was "who moved my cheese" and it introduced me to meaningfully readings that has shaped my views and aided my decision making.

Some of the books that have kept me company are :
1. Who moved my cheese , Spencer Johnson
2. Long walk to freedom , Nelson Mandela
3. The firm by John Grisham
4. The Strange highway - Dean Koonz
5. The potato Factory , Bryce Courtenay
6. I write what i like , Steve Biko
7. Rich Dad poor DAD , Robert Kiosaki
8. Dating Game , by Danielle Steel
9. The Gift, by Danielle Steel
10.Remembrance , by Danielle Steel
11 The wedding, by Danielle Steele
12. Lady Boss , Jackie Collins
14. The Capitalist Nigga , Chika Onyeani
13 Changes, by Danielle Steel
14 A time to kill , John Grisham (put on hold)
15. Jessica , Bryce Courtenay

to be continued........

Thursday, June 14, 2007

"A name is a label for a human, thing, place, product and even an idea or concept, normally used to distinguish one from another"

My Many Names...

A name is an important part of one's life, it is part of your identity , you'll tell a stranger your name before you tell them anything else about yourself.

The trick is.... I have 7 names , yep i do....

There is long story behind my "many" names.

My parents call me Julliet ( my mom gave me this name at birth - maybe something to do with Shakespear's ROMEO and JULLIET :) Hmmm...

Monday, June 11, 2007

what are you gonna do about it..

In the past few days a lot of things happened to me and around me, that left me searching for answers , that I sadly have not found.

I have been really worried at the thought of my helplessness, because sometimes it is really hard to just accept.

We always think that things will always remain the same, that we will always be as comfortable as we are now.

I always thought that I was flexible that I was not resistant to change. I have realised that the opposite is true when it comes to issues that are close to my heart.

So I adopted a simple motto that goes - Accept the things you can't change or change the things you can't accept.....


I was a history student at high school, I read about all the great world wars and great leaders.
At that time my dream was to become the first woman president is South Africa, not that I undermined the then leadership, but because I wanted history to remember me. The dream to become a president has since died, but my passion to make history has not.

Speaking of History.....I have learned a lot about the South African history in the month of June, by coincidence though. I visited 3 of the most popular museums in South Africa recently.

I always thought that a museum was just a display of old "things", I was in for a big eye-opener and as I discovered that I was wrong.

When I visited the Hector Peterson Museum and the Nelson Mandela Museum I found the experience very emotional and humbling. I realised how blessed I am to live in democratic country. I learned the true value of my freedom.

A Week later I visited the Apartheid museum, south of Johannesburg, it was on youth day, the 16th of June. Like the other trip it was unplanned. The experience was even more intense.

I looked at the pictures and watched the movies and only then....I started to understand the pain that Apartheid caused for my people.

I am glad that I speak of Apartheid as history and my hope is for it to stay that way, and I hope that it not just on our calendars but also in hearts that Apartheid seize to exist

Friday, June 8, 2007


out of sight

far away......

but, away is not too far………

Our hearts will touch
And pulse

To the rhythm of our love......... still...

This piece was inspired by a friend of mine..who had a hard time dealing with her feelings..for a "stranger" she met on a chat room.


Have you ever had a strange feeling
for a stranger?
A feeling that compels you ……….
To do strange things

Have you ever felt close……
To someone you hardly knew?
if it will be strange
if you met

Have you ever been in a strange situation?
Like, you call someone………
and you freeze
when the say “hello”
You want to connect…..
get close…touch
But you can’t?

Have you ……..?I have………

And I have been thinking of strange ways ..
to avoid this feeling….

To free myself from this feeling
Strange enough………
I am failing

ladyjam production

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Do you think we can ever be a rainbow nation? I do...... but we must ALL be willing to be color blind....

One color rainbow

I knew a rainbow to be beautiful
Lots of colors bright in the sky
Celebrating the rain that just passed
Colors... united..., for one purpose

I knew a rainbow to have lots of colors
All bound, together as one
Celebrating their diversity

Colors ...united.. For one course

I knew South Africa to be a rainbow
A multi -colored nation
A united people
Embracing each others differences

I knew a rainbow would arrive after the rain
Hinting a bright day to come
I waited outside....waiting…. for the rainbow
And none was insight

It looked like... the storm was still coming
It seemed... I had to wait a few more hours
A few more years............
To see all the colors together

A multi colored nation

ladyjam production